The Basics of Colored Gemstones

Image of Red Ruby

Perhaps it was the compelling colors that first drew you in. Or the promise of an untold treasure. You have discovered the allure of the colored gemstone and you want to know more.

If you have ever wanted to know what goes into a gemological report or wondered how the 4 C’s affect a gemstone’s value, we are here to guide you through your most vital questions when it comes to navigating the world of gemstones. If you are already well versed in these basics, check out our tutorial on buying gemstones.

Gemstones have been prized by kings and healers alike throughout human history. We want you to share our passion for gemstones and all the exciting lore, mystery, and prestige that surround them.

Our carefully assembled team of GIA experts possess a combined 60 years of experience in the gem and jewelry business. Trained by the world’s leading authority on diamonds and gemstones, we are qualified to bring you the most up to date information on what is happening in the world of gemstones now. Learn about the fascinating regions of the world where gemstones are found. Be in the know when it comes to gemstone treatments. Our tutorials are geared to educate you on the complex intricacies of the gemstone trade as well as provide you with practical advice on how to shop for and care for your gems.

Like a rare gemstone discovery, we invite you to share what you have found! Like us on Facebook and follow us on twitter to show your friends and family that you are informed when it comes to gemstones . Let them know you have uncovered a trusted source for gemstone information. Connect with our readers that share your interest in gems.

Our first group of tutorials is designed to introduce you to gemstones, their origins, and characteristics. We have put together a series of articles targeted to your needs. You want to learn more and we have presented the information in a concise and easy to understand format. It is our goal to become the first source of gemstone information that you turn to on the web. Our focus is on education, not sales. We want to share our knowledge and passion so that you can grow in your knowledge about gemstones without feeling pressured to buy anything.
Read on for an overview of the fascinating and complex world of gemstones. Have you ever wondered why some gems are considered precious and others are not? Your first tutorial is one click away!

Elongated Tanzanite Pendant

Wearing Your Gemstones: Make An Informed Decision

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Just as gemstones come in a variety of colors and sizes, the level of wear and tear they can endure is particular … Read more
Amethyst gemstone amongst other colors

How to Find the Perfect Gem for You

If you’ve ever wondered how to select the perfect gemstone for you, one that will flatter and transcend the seasons and fashions, … Read more

Understanding the Four C’s

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] If you have ever shopped for a gemstone, you have no doubt encountered the Four C’s. The Four C’s were developed … Read more

A Colorful World (of Gemstones)

Gemstones are a delight to the eye and it is easy to understand how a collector can easily become infatuated with these … Read more
Image of FIre Opal

A Moment of (Gemstone) Clarity

Clarity refers to the purity of a gemstone. In gemological parlance, clarity grades are based on the evaluation of the internal and … Read more
jeweler polishing a gemstone

Caring For Your Gemstone

Once you have acquired, inherited, or otherwise obtained a desirable gemstone, you must take care of it properly. Minerals are some of … Read more
Cut Amethyst Gemstone - MIchelle Jo

Making the (Gemstone) Cut

Gemstones are mined from the earth as rough crystals. Formed deep within the earth, heat and pressure cause minerals to crystallize in … Read more
gemstones from uganda and currency note

Record Setting Gemstone Sales

The larger the carat weight of a gemstone, the rarer and consequently more valuable it is. With other factors such as purity … Read more
diamonds refracting light

The Play of Light in Gemstones

Much of a gemstone’s perceived beauty lies in the performance of how light reflects and refracts throughout the stone. Reflection is the … Read more
lab gemstone color treatments

What You Need to Know About Gemstone Enhancements

The majority of gemstones mined for commercial jewelry are subjected to some kind of treatment in addition to cutting and polishing before … Read more
Designer Cut Diamond Gemstone

The Designer Difference

what is the difference between commercial jewelry and designer jewelry? Walk into any department store, and you are certain to see cases … Read more

Whether you are a collector or connoisseur, or just scratching the surface of the gem world, we want to hear from you. Let us know about your questions and concerns as they relate to gemstones and we will work to provide expert answers. You can begin by connecting with us on your social networks. Make it easy to receive additional information from our GIA experts. Breaking news, information on controversial enhancements, and exciting discoveries in the world of gemstones can be at your fingertips, ready to share.
We welcome your questions and comments. Let us know what types of gems you are looking for, what you already have, or wish you had! We want to be a part of your education when it comes to gemstones. We understand how a gemstone can capture the imagination and the heart. You will read our stories. Please tell us yours!